Levels of Analysis Factors Practical Questions Potential Sources of Information
Supranational level 1. Ability of supranational organizations to mediate and resolve political tensions between countries To what extent are the countries and actors involved in political tensions willing to have mediation, comply with terms of settlement, and resolutions from the United Nations or other supranational organizations? Countries’ membership status and past commitment to supranational organizations
Government representatives in supranational organizations who can provide access to information and vote in resolutions or decisions
International level 2. Political relations between countries What is the distance in relations between the governments of the countries where the multinational has operations and the governments of the countries experiencing political tensions?
To what extent does the level of distance in political relations augment or mitigate the effects of geopolitical issues on the multinational’s operations?
Media coverage on political relations between countries (useful to check media outlets from the different countries involved to contrast perspectives)
Assessments from internal staff
3. Dependence between countries on natural resources, food supplies, technologies, and others To what degree are the multinational’s countries of operations dependent on the resources, food supplies, or technologies of other countries?
What are the implications of such dependencies?
International trade data from national statistics agencies, trade promotion or industry associations, chambers of commerce, Trade Map
Assessments from external experts and internal staff
National level 4. Development by countries of technologies, weapons, or others that can redefine their power and influence Are the countries involved in political tensions, or are other countries, developing technologies, weapons, or others that can redefine their power and influence?
How can this affect the geopolitical context, and, in turn, the multinational’s operations?
Technical Intelligence, Federation of American Scientists, Intelligence Resource Program, peace and security organizations, external experts
5. Political orientations and agendas of governments What are the political orientations and agendas of the governments of the countries involved in political tensions and of the governments of the countries where the multinational has operations?
How can their political orientations and agendas impact the geopolitical context and the multinational’s operations?
The World Fact Book, media coverage, political programs and discourses, political analysis
6. Business-government relations How are the relations between government and the business sector in the countries involved in political tensions?
Are foreign firms or firms from a specific home country or industry likely to be targeted by any of the governments involved in political tensions?
Media coverage on the enforcement of contracts and public policies or the use of discriminatory policies and expropriation
Industry level 7. Effects throughout the value chain How can political tensions between countries affect the value chain of the multinational’s operations?
What alternatives can be identified to overcome potential disruptions in the multinational’s operations?
Assessments from external experts and internal staff
8. Stakeholders What are the major concerns of shareholders regarding political tensions between countries?
What are the expectations of stakeholders regarding the multinational’s responses to political tensions between countries?
Shareholder focus groups or meetings
Stakeholder focus groups, established communication channels, social media
Firm level 9. Types of operations How can the multinational’s different types of operations be affected by political tensions between countries?
What types of operations are vulnerable and how can they be made more resilient?
Assessments from internal staff
10. Political capabilities What political capabilities have been developed by the multinational?
How can these be useful to mitigate threats or exploit opportunities derived from the geopolitical context?
Assessments from internal staff